Jumat, 04 April 2014


Pengertian Passive Voice (Kalimat Pasif)
Passive Voice (Kalimat Pasif) adalah kalimat yang subject-nya dikenai suatu pekerjaan atau menderita suatu. Dengan kata lain Subject kalimat tersebut menjadi sasaran kegiatan yang dinyatakan oleh kata kerja. Dalam bahasa indonesia ciri-ciri kalimat pasif adalah kata kerjanya yang berawalan dengan “di-” dan beberapa lagi memiliki awalan “ter-” (tergantung pada konteks kalimat).
Rumus passive voice adalah sebagai berikut di bawah ini :
S + auxiliary verb + past participle

A.      Passive Voice: Simple Present Tense
Jika active voice dalam simple present tense, maka ‘be’ passive voicenya adalah is, am, atau are.

Examples :
1.       The book is borrowed by them
2.       This blue car is repaired by her
3.       They are met by him everyday
4.       This plant is watered by her every two days
5.       The meat ball is eaten by me
6.    The crafts are made of wood
7.       I am paid in dollars
8.       All of my shoes are washed every month
9.       Tina is helped by Jane
10.   Large amounts of meat and milk are consumed by many people in the countries

B.      Passive Voice : Simple Past Tense
Jika active voice dalam simple past tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah was atau were

Examples :
1.       1.The mansion was built in 1990
2.       The letter was mailed by marilyn
3.       The high-jump record was finally broken last Saturday
4.       A suspect was questioned for sixteen hours by the police
5.       This plant was watered by her this morning
6.       They were met by him yesterday
7.       An award was given to Mrs. Grim
8.       Mrs. Grim was given an award by someone
9.       The book was edited by Beatrice Sparks
10.   The letter was mailed by Marilyn

C.      Passive Voice : Simple future tense
Jika active voice dalam simple future tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah be

Examples :
1.       The packet will be sent immediately
2.       They will be met by him tomorrow
3.       The crops are going to be harvested by the farmers next week
4.       This plant will be watered by her this afternoon
5.       A new computer will be bought by Jane
6.       A letter will be written by Rita
7.       The horses will be taken to the stable
8.       The work will be finished by 5:00 PM
9.       The lesson will be learnt by yudis
10.   I will be helped by him

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